eIDtag is an automated lost & found service providing secured messaging & convenience 24/7 for you and your personal property

Losing anything valuable doesn't have to be stressful

How eIDtag® Works


Register and Activate eIDtags

Input registration code or go to order tags
Fill-out Account Management Page


Tag Your Items

Choose items important to you. Codes on Tags protect your identity.


Property Lost & Found

Someone has found your lost property and contacted eIDtag.com. They left you a message describing where you can retrieve the property.


Retrieve Your Item

You receive a voicemail and an email with the finder's message. eIDtag makes it that simple.



Attach eIDtags to your personal property. Your personal information is shielded behind your eIDtag ID Code.

Finder's Process

Toll free number enables quick call, input of eIDtag® ID, and a voice prompt which directs caller to leave details of safe place where property can be collected.

PC, Tablet & Mobile Access

Access your account from any Web enabled device.

Instant Notifications

Property Owner receives voicemail and email in real time, 24/7 immediately following Finder's Call.

Recovery Management Tools

Your personal property notifications can go just to you, or anyone else you assign. For instance, notify your significant other's phone if yours is lost.

Sheet of 10 adhesive stickers

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